Decorative Niches

Decorative Niches: Bamboo Theme
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Huecos Decorativos: Bambu
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5' x 3' art niche. High relief bamboo sticks and leaves on a taupe color, high fire glaze. Design can be enlarged to fit any surface or size and can be crafted using different color glazes to fit any decor.

Para decorar los huecos arquitectonics utilizamos differentes temas de acuerdo con la integridad de la casa o establecimiento.


Detail shot.

Decorative Niches: Medieval Trobadour
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Huecos Decorativos: Trobador Medieval
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5' x 3' Art niche depicting a medieval troubadour - with the family coat of arms and surrounded by grapes on the vine.

El escudo heraldico ha sido aņadido a este trabajo.

In the studio before firing.

Detalle antes de hornear.



Decorative Niches: Greco-Roman Relief
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Huecos Decorativos: Figura Griega con lira
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5' x 3' Art niche depicting a neo-classical female figure.
Figura Griega con lira.



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