About the process

How its done...

The process begins with many bags of high-fire clay. A typical project can use anywhere from 350lbs. of clay. Bags of clay are emptied onto the slab roller and pressed into a consistent 3/4" slab. Once a slab has been prepared, the sculptured artistic elements are added. These tiles are then cut, to best hide the cutting lines, and its left to dry for as long as one month.

The second step of the process is the glazing. Each tile must be painted with the glaze and checked for any drips that would ruin the firing shelf. Once the glaze is applied and dried, the tiles are ready for firing.

The firing occurs at 2300° F where the extreme temperature hardens and vitrifies both the clay and the glaze. It is this firing that makes for such durable, long-lasting works, suitable for both outside and in.

After cooling, the pieces are taken to the job site to be assembled. Before any tiles can be mounted, a wooded jig is erected to support the structure during installation. Then layer, upon layer, the tiles are installed, grouted, and finally cleaned. Installation of a piece can take anywhere from 1-3 days.

El Proceso

En Cermamicas Ornamentales nuestra arcilla es de construccion. Sobre unda fundacion de barro se aplican los diferentes elementos decorativos. Intentamos evitar la aparicion de rayas rectas, es decir, las piezas o azulejos son cortados a forma de puzzle. Tecnica que le da al diseņo una continuidad y armonia mas agradables a la vista.

El secado de la peiza dura aproximadamente de 3 a 4 semanas despues de lo cual se la da el vidriado y se hornea a una temperatura de 2300° F. La pieza estara preparada ya para su instalacion y desfrute.


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