Mirror Surroundings

Mirror Surrounding: Floral Theme
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Espejos Decorados: Poder Floral
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Entire Work

El trabajo completo.









Una flor deconocida.


Sunflower Centerpiece

La  flor central - Girasol


5' x 3' Mirror surrounding with oversized flowers and fruits surround a pair of bathroom mirrors. Mirror surrounds can be crafted in different shapes and sizes and can be monochromatic to fit in with the color decor already in place.

Mis espejos acompaņan todo tipo de decoracion. Se pueden hacer con differentes vidriados y diseņos de qualquier tamaņo.



Mirror Surrounding: Sea Themes
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Espejos Decorados: Temas Maritimos
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5' x 3' Mirror surrounding in a marine theme.

Espejo de tema maritimo.


This piece is made up of hundreds of little
square tiles forming a marine-themed mosaic.

Espejo de tema maritimo hecho de cientos de mosaicos.




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