Ceramic Murals

Ceramic Mural: Hanging Monkey
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Murales de Ceramica: Mono Colgante
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Hanging Monkey in the studio before firing.
Mono colgante antes de hornear.

The first tiles are placed on wooden
jigs and mounted to the backboard.
Los primeros azulejos se añaden apoyados sobre un soporte de madera.

The client made a slight mistake in the backboard placement but later removed the drainpipe so the work could be finished.
Aqui ponemos el cementillo para completar el trabajo.

The sun setting over Miami provides us with long
shadows that pronounce the depth of the work.
La puesta del sol sobre Miami nos provee con sombras que nos muestra la profundidad del relieve.


Ceramic Mural: Turtle & Lobster
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Murales de Ceramica: Tortuga y Langosta
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Some fine detail cleaning is
required before unveiling.
Haciendo un poco de limpieza antes del destape para la apertura de la libreria publica de la playa Melbourne en Florida, EEUU.

At a distance poor photography
hides much of the detail and color.
Fotografia mediocre impide ver el magnifico detalle y color de este mural.

A close-up of the lobster
Detalle de la langosta

The piece now resides in the foyer
of the Melbourne Beach Library.
Esta pieza esta installada en la libreria publica de la playa Melbourne en Florida, EEUU.

Ceramic Mural: Egrets Landing
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Murales de Ceramica: Grúllas Blancas
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Over viewing the workspace.

Tomando medidas antes de empezar.

Initial tiles are propped onto wooden jigs and mounted.

Los primeros azulejos installados.

Proper grouting ensures the piece
will endure the Florida weather.

La mampostería apropiada asegura que la pieza aguante
longevidad y
climatologia extrema. Tanto frio como calor.

The finished work.

La obra completa.

6' x 4' wall mural ideal for patios, pool areas and summer kitchens. Floridians particularly favor this beach motif.

Ceramic Mural: Fishy Tiles
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Murales de Ceramica: Pescaditos tropicales
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Close shot of painted ceramic tiles.
Detalle de azulejos vidriados.

These tiles were installed on an exterior wall
of a house to fit in with the decor of the patio.
Murales appropiados para patio o piscina.



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